2019 AHA“费城之夜”,中美专家携手的学术盛宴……
2019年11月15日,由美国华裔心脏协会 (Chinese American Heart Association,CNAHA)、恩科⼼⾎管研究院(Excellence Academy of Cardiovascular Research,ACRE) 和北美中华⼼ 脏学会 (Chinese American Academy of Cardiology,CAAC在2019 美国心脏协会(AHA)年会前夕联合举办的学术研讨会和“费城之夜”闪亮开幕。在下午的研讨会上,王亚静教授 (Thomas Jefferson Univ),蔡露教授 (Univ of Louisville School of Medicine),陈雄文教授 (Temple Univ),谢来华教授(Rutgers Univ),北大高培教授,Robert Li医生(UPENN附属医院), 华中医科大附属同济医院心内科汪道文主任分别做了高质量的科学演讲。期间有5位青年学者进行了YIA的最后角逐。德州心脏中心程杰教授是2019年Dr. Bernard Lown 荣誉讲座的讲者。他的讲题是心衰细胞治疗进展。
会上美国心脏协会主席(2018-2019) Ivor J. Benjamin教授做了题为“Protein misfolding diseases: Lessons from Alzheimer’s to cardiomyopathy and the AHA”的精彩演讲。
美国华裔心脏协会 (CNAHA) 主席张莉教授、恩科心血管管研究院 (ACRE)主席覃刚健和北美中华⼼脏学会 (CAAC)主席王虹教授为美国心脏协会主席(2018-2019) Ivor J. Benjamin教授颁发杰出演讲者证书
来自国内外的20个被AHA接受和采纳的高水平研究成果,以壁报形式进行交流,令人目不暇接。傍晚,美国心脏协会(AHA)前任主席Ivor J. Benjamin教授、美国心脏协会(AHA)基础研究(BCVS)科学委员会候任副主席Elizabeth McNally教授、美国心脏协会(AHA)动脉粥样硬化(ATVB)委员会前任主席和和总编辑Alan Daugherty教授等悉数登场,对华裔学者近年来在临床和基础研究工作,给予了高度的评价。
紧接着,《Circulation》主编Joseph Hill教授做了题为“HFpEF: Malady, Model, and Mechanisms” “费城之夜”的主旨演讲。
东方心脏病会主席葛均波教授题为“Innovations of Device Therapy in China and Opportunities”的主题演讲、长城国际心脏会前任主席马长生教授题为“Clinical research in China: Opportunities and challenges”的主题演讲,把学术研讨会和“费城之夜” 的学术氛围推向了顶峰。
晚上9点30分,“费城之夜”,在“Young Investigator Award”、“ACRE Service Award”和第2届《青年新峰》的颁奖仪式和掌声中落下帷幕。
——2019 AHA“费城之夜”,中美专家、同行携手呈现的学术盛宴长存。
CNAHA/ACRE/CAAC Joint Research Symposium & “Philly Night” at AHA Scientific Session 2019
The annual Joint Research Symposium & “Philly Night” was successfully held in Philadelphia on November 15, 2019, the day before the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Session. This event was co-organized by Chinese American Heart Association (CNAHA), Excellence Academy of Cardiovascular Research (ACRE), and Chinese American Academy of Cardiology (CAAC).
During the afternoon Joint Research Symposium session, Professors Yajing Wang (Thomas Jefferson Univ), Lu Cai (Univ of Louisville School of Medicine), Xiongwen Chen (Temple Univ), Lai-Hua Xie (Rutgers Univ), Pei Gao (Peiking Univ), Daowen Wang (Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology), and Dr. Robert Li (UPenn Presbyterian Medical Center) delivered high-quality presentations on their research work and clinical achievements. Meanwhile, four young scholars made oral presentations competing for Young Investigator award (YIA). The 2019 CNAHA Bernard Lown Lectureship was given by Professor Jie Cheng (Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Heart Institute), who updated the progress in cell therapy for heart failure.
Later, two excellent distinguished lectures were presented by Professor Ivor J. Benjamin (Medical College of Wisconsin) and Professor Elizabeth McNally (Northwestern
University). The topic of Dr. Benjamin’s talk was “Protein misfolding diseases: Lessons from Alzheimer’s to cardiomyopathy and the AHA”, and Dr McNally’s was “Genetics of cardiomyopathies”. Twenty posters that had been accepted by the AHA were also displayed. The presenters from both the US and China had thorough discussions with other participants.
At the beginning of the “Philly Night” evening session, Professor Ivor J. Benjamin, immediate past president of the AHA, Professor Elizabeth McNally, Elect Vice Chairperson of AHA council on BCVS, and Professor Algan Dauherty, Past Chair of AHA council on ATVB, Editor-in-Chief, ATVB delivered warm remarks praising the contributions made by scholars of Chinese ancestry on both clinical and basic research fields. These were followed by the “Philly Night” Keynote Speech by Professor Joseph Hill, Editor-in-Chief, who presented on “HFpEP: Malady, Model, and Mechanisms”. Later, two distinguished guest speakers from Chinese institutes brought the “Philly Night” to a climax. Professor Junbo Ge, President, Oriental Congress of Cardiology presented on “Innovations of Device Therapy in China and Opportunities”. Professor Changsheng Ma, Former President, Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology presented on “Clinical research in China: Opportunities and challenges”. At 9:30 pm, the event came to the end by the ceremonies of YIA, ACRE Service Award, and [Qing-Nian-Xin-Feng] the 2nd Sino-US Young Physician Skills Competition Award.
CNAHA, ACRE & CAAC Organizers greatly appreciate those who helped put this amazing program together, attendees for the enthusiastic participation and support from Boston Scientific, Biotronics, Edwards, Abbott & Cellbiologics.
Translated by Prof. Laihua Xie, and Edited by Li Zhang and Xiaoyan Huang.