Dr. Huagui Li, MD, PhD
Huagui Li, MD, PhD
Director of Cardiac Arrhythmia Services
The South-west Division, M Health Fairview
Suite W 2000, Edina, MBN 55435
Huagui Li graduated from Sichuan Medical College in 1982. He then underwent postgraduate education in cardiovascular diseases at West China University of Medical Sciences in 1983. After graduation, he was recruited as an instructor of medicine at Western China University of Medical Sciences in 1985. He earned a scholarship and enrolled in the PhD program in the Department of Physiology at University of Western Ontario, Canada 1988. Upon completion of the PhD program, he underwent further training in clinical cardiac electrophysiology in the same University.
Dr. Li joined the University of Wisconsin Medical School as an assistant professor of medicine in 1994. He subsequently served as assistant and associate professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Creighton University. He relocated to Minnesota in 2006 and has remained in the same Minnesota institution ever since. He is specialized in clinical cardiac electrophysiology.
Dr. Li has published over 50 full manuscripts in the English medical journals. He served as reviewers for multiple American medical journals. He was one of the funding members of and vice president of CNAHA.
Addition to medical practice, Dr. Li enjoys fishing, playing bamboo flute and photography.
李华贵: 四川医学院医学系77届毕业生。毕业后考入华西医科大学心血管病硕士研究生。之后在华西医科大学先后任助教、讲师和主治医师。1988年到加拿大西安大略大学攻读心血管生理博士。毕业后在该校继续临床电生理培训。1994年到美国行医,先后在威斯康星大学、内布拉斯加大学和克瑞登大学担任主治医师、助理教授和副教授。于2006年到明尼苏达州,担任明州大学医师团社会医学部心脏电生理主任。
Selected manuscripts:
1. Li H. High-voltage lead impedance increase: How much is too much? Heart Rhythm 2013;10:819-20.
2. Li H. Magnet decoration, beautiful but potentially dangerous for patients with implantable pacemakers and defibrillators. Heart Rhythm 2007;4:5-6.2007 (Editorial).
3. Li H, Lakkireddy D, Korlakunta H, Rovang K, Hee T. Pacemaker utilization during permanent atrial fibrillation in patients who received pacemaker implantation for sinus node dysfunction. Am J Cardiol 2005;96:942-945.
4. Li H, Weitzel M, Easley A, Barrington W, Windle J. Potential risk of vasovagal syncope for motor vehicle driving: Am J Cardiol 2000;85:184-186.
5. Li H, Natale A, Tomassoni G, Beheiry S, Cooper P, Leonelli F, Easley A, Barrington W, Windle J. Usefulness of ibutilide in facilitating successful external cardioversion of refractory atrial fibrillation. Am J Cardiol 1999; 84:1096-1098.